Queen of Air and Darkness Review

Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices #3)

Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

At last I have finally read it and was hoping to be cured of the cliffhanger it ended with!.
The thing with this book being big and with lot of things that are happening in it, the review would span pages if not restricted to important once alone.
But here we are again with many possibilities that could happen and an ultimate cliffhanger to torture ourselves with till it is answered in God knows, which book since this trilogy is done.
In spite of all that, Cassandra Clare had managed to combine every single event and character and give a proper closure in her own way.
We get to see not only the Blackthorns but also every favorite of us- Magnus, Alec, Jace, Clary, Jem, Tessa and glimpse of other Shadowhunters and Downworlders. We are brought back to characters that are dead so far and there is story around them too- Sebastian, Raphael and the ultimate Annabel. This book is supposed to be weaved around her but is seen only halfway through the book and not even till the last. which is kind of a downer considering how she is the Queen of Air and Darkness.
But we have more problems that needed to be addressed at the end of the second part- Livvy’s death.
Ty’s reaction and Kit’s dilemma towards it takes a branch of a story.
Julian and Emma trying everything possible, doing everything feasible to escape from the Parabatai curse.
Drusilla- the lone Blackthorn who is always looking for someone to treat for she is worth. Her intervention with Kit and Ty, her actions in the end gives a crucial edge towards the climax.
Helen and Aline, Diana and Gwyn- Few couple who manage to have some decisions and roles to them rather than being just names.
Personally I was not so interested when the 2 couples of 3 became a trio of a couple- Mark, Kieran and Cristina. I really wanted Cristina to have been able to choose.
Surprisingly we have Diego and his brother and friends who does have some action here.

Apart from the characters the story itself lived up to its name but could have been better. The Seelie and Unseelie proceedings and the best of them all being the travel to the new place. The unimaginable that could have happened if the battle had turned out to be different- When Emma and Julian reaches there the twist is incredible. The emotions, angst and loss are all well written.
The main event of the climax being the redemption for both of them sounds stretched but is believable and works well too. Could have had a plausible reason that triggered the change and why few alone were eaten and others were not.
And the aftermath of the battle is the unexpected. I really wished Zara was dead so that the changes would not happened and the movement too. Anyway that did make sense with the new beginning with the new Consul.
The Shadow hunter world, the Faerie world both enthralled in equal amounts and then Thule brought a lot of emotions, possibilities and the cliffhanger which will kill us this moment on for the ultimate face-off.

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