Verity Review


Verity by Colleen Hoover

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What I took as a typical Colleen Hoover Romance to immerse myself in the emotions and enjoy the romance and like the subtle humor and warmth throughout the book, Verity has surpassed the limit and crashed all the expectations and similarity. There is Romance here and a lot of emotions at bay few are expressed and few are suppressed. But the actual world within the book gradually beckons to an unexpected ride.
Like Lowen we are unaware of what is going to happen. Lowen a struggling writer with a recent loss meeting Jeremy who connects in many ways that was not possible a while ago. A chance encounter leads to a way and then to Verity. I was hooked when Lowen entered Verity’s house. The description itself kept me growing. And then when she started reading the first chapter of what she shouldn’t have I was deep in to the book. I knew then it would be difficult to leave it without knowing what happened to Verity or Lowe.
Lowe was not the usual young and wild protagonist. She hates any sort of publicity and different from what she writes. Her attraction for Jeremy is slow and hard. And her reactions as she reads through the one thing she should not have we get the chills along with her. Revelations past revelations we are stuck with a darkness that has crept long past.
Jeremy is the complete package-handsome, kind, smart with lots of emotional baggage. The losses and unfathomable reaction to a new person, the fury, the guilt her does it all so good. It’s hard to leave him behind even after the book is completed.
And then the namesake herself, Verity. Most of her is through what is read and what is told in words. In actual she had very less to do. But it is the words and her portrayal that is in front of our eyes and will continue to haunt us. he characters which are not in the current narration but in conversations make an impact too-Chastin, Harper and Lowe’s mom.
As twists continued to slam us in the face with the unimaginable darkness that had chilled us to the core, when they are brought out things take an unexpected turn.
And when we think that that is how it should have been and this is how things are going to be, be ready to be shocked out of your wits for there in lies the epic twist of them all. For which I will never forget Colleen Hoover’s verity compared to her other books which consists of few of my favorites. I read with all sort of emotions-Love, Fury,Fear, Disgust, Anger and Care. And will continue to remember Verity for the question it poses at the last which will never let you sleep at peace.

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The Wicked King review

The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air, #2)

The Wicked King by Holly Black

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What would you do if you had twists throughout a story that not only were you on the seat’s edge in a movie, but totally swept off your feet. The wicked King did that for me leaving me with jaw dropping plot twists, unforgettable moments and an epic cliffhanger.
Jude the Kingmaker and toughened mortal holding the Faerie will never be at peace until she deals with Cardan, appeases Madoc, be with her sisters and saves Oak. The depth of every character is revealed where there is more to Cardan than a cruel king doubtful of his emotions to Jude. Madoc scheming when he learns of their secret. And horror of Locke making him more cruel and sadistic that we felt sorry and deserving for Taryn.
This is really a wonderful sequel to the Cruel prince indeed who had become a wicked king. Now I can’t wait till the next part comes.
The gradual communication and improvement of relation between Cardan and Jude is good with a lot of unexpected moments and plot twists of all.
I can’t help rooting for Jude who is becoming a tough and best female protagonist. Resembling bits of Katniss Everdeen, Tris Prior and even better than them. She schemes, loves, lies, safeguards but mostly fights. Fighting to give her brother what she lost, fighting for her place, fighting against her own feelings, fighting to save herself from the betrayals. She has her reasons and ambition. Where she fight the riders ambush she is the fighter, armor and weapon built together. Her will of steel of never to be defeated and her anger fuels her spirit. And when betrayed by most of whom she has trusted she crumbles. Devastated but willing to come stronger. For she is the Shadow Queen whom everyone should be beware of.

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The Three Secret Cities review

The Three Secret Cities

The Three Secret Cities by Matthew Reilly

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The book was worth the wait for years, after what happened in Four legendary kingdoms still lingering in our mind. Three secret cities expands our mind to unimaginable dimensions. My mind is still unable to come out of the marvelous secret cities with their incredible architecture explained through maps, pictures and words. Matthew Reilly’s magic of creating such wonderful trials of the cities and architecture within them. The story moving from place to place is pure unbridled ride of adventure throughout the world.
Jack West could never rest for more than few days after competing in the great games and comes another event which brings him and his team to action to save the world. This time more than the kings deadly forces are at his heels for him and Lily. Jaw dropping ancient civilizations, cities with their intricate and complex structure. The characters entry to each of those places brings in adrenaline rush- every building, trap and the logic behind it are too marvelous and are not at all comparable to any other adventure. Be it in London, New York, Italy or countries like India, Africa, South America, Australia- Jack breezes through them all taking us for a wild ride with an even more rush to find the famed cities and their weapons.
We have a lot of characters and emotions playing at different parts when many are endangered this time. Lily and Jack’s affection makes us wants this Dad-daughter duo to have more moments together. And the villains this time are ruthless, cruel to the core that for their ambition they go to any ends possible. The kings, Knights and gatekeepers are deadly and scary enough that we want them all dead halfway through the story itself.
More than characters I loved the places descriptions and the actions that took place in them. I could thoroughly visualize the ambush in New York, threat in London, the terror awakened in India, marvel of the architecture in South America and the horror of the royal prison. Especially the grey stone powder will continue to haunt me for months to come especially after the Medusa and the prison. And the surprise effect of the coffins opening in previous part is well written here with the similar coffins with warriors in all places. Their entry and force is chilling to the core that at every place when they are crossed over and destination is reached we let out the breath that we have been holding for a while.
When Four Legendary kingdom made a feat of bringing in Scarecrow we have a cinematic and daring entry by another character of the Scarecrow world here. With that characters entry the story takes a much more daring turn and brings in a lot of awe moments.
What was supposed to be shocking ending of the book took a turn with a much more unthinkable cliffhanger that will keep on hounding our mind till the next book comes.
If this series were to be made into movies or series then they should be ready to give away their whole life for it. Because this is once such series that is more greater and wonderful than any movie or series.
A best book again by a best author in a best series of adventure ever possible in the book world of adventure and action.

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Queen of Air and Darkness Review

Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices #3)

Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

At last I have finally read it and was hoping to be cured of the cliffhanger it ended with!.
The thing with this book being big and with lot of things that are happening in it, the review would span pages if not restricted to important once alone.
But here we are again with many possibilities that could happen and an ultimate cliffhanger to torture ourselves with till it is answered in God knows, which book since this trilogy is done.
In spite of all that, Cassandra Clare had managed to combine every single event and character and give a proper closure in her own way.
We get to see not only the Blackthorns but also every favorite of us- Magnus, Alec, Jace, Clary, Jem, Tessa and glimpse of other Shadowhunters and Downworlders. We are brought back to characters that are dead so far and there is story around them too- Sebastian, Raphael and the ultimate Annabel. This book is supposed to be weaved around her but is seen only halfway through the book and not even till the last. which is kind of a downer considering how she is the Queen of Air and Darkness.
But we have more problems that needed to be addressed at the end of the second part- Livvy’s death.
Ty’s reaction and Kit’s dilemma towards it takes a branch of a story.
Julian and Emma trying everything possible, doing everything feasible to escape from the Parabatai curse.
Drusilla- the lone Blackthorn who is always looking for someone to treat for she is worth. Her intervention with Kit and Ty, her actions in the end gives a crucial edge towards the climax.
Helen and Aline, Diana and Gwyn- Few couple who manage to have some decisions and roles to them rather than being just names.
Personally I was not so interested when the 2 couples of 3 became a trio of a couple- Mark, Kieran and Cristina. I really wanted Cristina to have been able to choose.
Surprisingly we have Diego and his brother and friends who does have some action here.

Apart from the characters the story itself lived up to its name but could have been better. The Seelie and Unseelie proceedings and the best of them all being the travel to the new place. The unimaginable that could have happened if the battle had turned out to be different- When Emma and Julian reaches there the twist is incredible. The emotions, angst and loss are all well written.
The main event of the climax being the redemption for both of them sounds stretched but is believable and works well too. Could have had a plausible reason that triggered the change and why few alone were eaten and others were not.
And the aftermath of the battle is the unexpected. I really wished Zara was dead so that the changes would not happened and the movement too. Anyway that did make sense with the new beginning with the new Consul.
The Shadow hunter world, the Faerie world both enthralled in equal amounts and then Thule brought a lot of emotions, possibilities and the cliffhanger which will kill us this moment on for the ultimate face-off.

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An impossible wish

I will never get to..
Watch him grow old
See the silver streak of his hair
Enjoy his growing wisdom
Feel his warmth breaking all my hurdles…

Nor will I be able to,
Show him what I have become
Buy something he would have liked for a change
Get his advice on everything 
Gift him from my earnings 
Go places dreamed to go
Read together and discuss it

I could never do all these..
Even if the past was the only place
To be with him, under his care
Still it’s the best in the world

The past never passes
The memories never ceases
Dad my love never fades
Our memories never fails.

-Scorpio Girl

Roar review

Roar: Uplifting. Intriguing. Thirty short stories from the Sunday Times bestselling author

Roar: Uplifting. Intriguing. Thirty short stories from the Sunday Times bestselling author by Cecelia Ahern

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So many strange stories and unimaginable premises where we come across incredible women.
My personal favorites are the stories about the women who jumped the bandwagon, who wore the husband’s shoes, who ate photographs, who disappeared, who grew wings and flew away, who dressed like man in life and the cabinet.
There were few which were not so favorite like the women who returned her husband, who blew away, who sowed seeds of doubt, who sat on a shelf but the idea was not so common so formed a not so bad readable story.
One thing that was common throughout the stories were that the women were not given enough respect and attention they deserved, and even they did that to themselves too sometimes.
Few were due to the society and the norms that were so suffocating that they were not changed as the world around changed. Women still do unravel, melt without enough attention for them. Few had to grow wings to escape the discrimination.
These stories tells us what would happen if the world would change and these hypothetical situations were to come to life.
I did enjoy these incredible stories of the women who roared out to the world that they can and they do have a different life behind the facade they show to the world.
Women are not as fragile as they seem. They can be as strong as they are pretty too.
A roar of victory to Cecilia who have wonderfully articulated these thoughts and stories for all the women out around us.

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Unearthed review

Unearthed (Unearthed, #1)

Unearthed by Amie Kaufman

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just Wow for an answer for this review.
After following illuminae files I am linking Amie Kaufman’s imagination of the icnredible premises she is bringing into life in her books.
I feel like I took a serious, life engulfing adventure with a point of no return to the land of two suns- Gaia. I am still not able to come out of it with such a cliffhanger going to keep me insane till I read the sequel.
I love Jules and Mia equally and actually happy at the characterization. Not a typical bad boy or a too good boy to be true. And seriously not a drop dead gorgeous girl, the pampered princess or a kind of foul mouthed teenager. The nerdy cute aspect and the determination to prove the world endears us to Jules more. And Mia’s one and only reason which makes to do everything she did not want to do. The revelations, the betrayals and the cunning plans add more twists to this already interesting story.
The other characters like Liz, Hansen and Javier also make sure to leave an impression. Even Mink, Charlotte too.The invisible supporting characters have also been created well- Addison and Evie the main reasons for the decisions that were taken in the beginning.
I personally liked the building of the temple and scavenger groups. The glyph and the warnings and finally the unimaginable finding and the result

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Sadie review


Sadie by Courtney Summers

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Some books may make us cry, may bring us tears. But this one brought out the tears which makes the heart wrench and brings in a fury born out of those tears.
Sadie started out as a missing teen, another wasted family making us feel more sorry towards her and the situation. Cold creek creeps in with the sadness around the life with the trailers, scarce people that are there. The moment of a life’s loss slams in the face with the cold, cruel death which initiates all the proceedings.
From then on every person we come across through Sadie’s POV make an impact, few to hate, few to feel sorry for and rare few to savor their company.
Especially Sadie’s encounter in Montgomery leaves us with the same yearning as her. For the people, the lifestyle cocooned apart from the reality. Reality which is actually a horror hidden like a wolf under sheep skin. The stark contrast between Bakers and other kids life and Sadie’s shows how cruel life had been in Cold creek and similar families. The single mothers, the innocent kids, the wasted families and the horrible men who uproot the little amount of safety they ever had.
The podcasts shows that there is at least little warmth in the otherwise cold world of people who don’t care at all. The efforts of McCray and MayBeth brings out the hope that stays along the story even after the ending leaves us in more pain and a wrong corrected by a loss.
Every character here has a story that’s either a tragedy or a hope to survive. The villains here are many- the situation, the society, the men that take advantage of all of them. Few rare men who actually want to make a difference apart from those preying creatures.
Sadie is an example of the result of the spoiled life, family.
She brings out the hope when she brings up Mattie even though Mattie doesn’t reciprocate with the same intensity.
She lives on in spite of her mom’s lifestyle and how it turned out for Mattie.
She moves on in spite of seeing Ruby, Kendall, Javi and Cat.
Her determination when she faces Caddy, Ellis, Silas and the important reason why the journey and looking for begin makes us wonder how stronger this girl could get in spite of the world around her.
Sadie brings us hope, determination, fury, love and finally tears with a belief that life is not always the same, be it for the better or worst.

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I want to, but I…

I wanted a guy to fall head over heels for me forever and ever,

I learnt to fall and get back after every mistake, so I got no time!

I wanted someone to serenade with a love song every day,

I started writing my own poems and songs to love myself!

I yearned to be taken to places for a dream come true,

I learnt to drop myself  into dreams and jump back to reality.

I thought of sharing my thoughts will ease some pain,

I learnt nothing goes away that it just gets smaller never farther.

I thought a guy would pamper and shower with love and care,

I started to care for myself  no matter how much it is every time!

Wish there is always a ground to fall back when I am in fear,

Rather I kept firm myself breaking the fall killing the fear.

No matter what Its only I who does everything for me

Not a knight in shining armor who refuses to come out of the dream

Or a Charming prince hidden in my stories within the shadows!

Defy the Worlds review

Defy the Worlds (Constellation, #2)

Defy the Worlds by Claudia Gray

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A perfect sequel indeed with an unbearable cliffhanger for an ending. Its good to be back with Noemi and Abel again under different circumstances.
The funnier Abel with a crew is more interesting and the Abel with a single minded purpose makes us emotional. The changes after Simon, Noemi and the fuzzy friendship he feels towards Virginia, Harriet and Zayan are heartwarming.
Meanwhile Noemi is brave, single minded and drives everything from her heart and mind together without giving up. I loved the way she took control of the ship and she wanted to save Abel.
Virginia with her sarcasm endears a lot.
Gillian with her greediness/selfishness and even Darius, Burton makes us hate them more than ever with the cliffhanger intensifying the shift in balance of situation.
Cant wait for Defy the fates to how it ends for both Noemi and Abel.

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